


The Erasmus+ Office is located at the first floor (meeting room) in the main building.

Office hours:  You can get in touch with us from Monday to Friday, by e-mail at the following address.


Prof. Alessandro Lamantea
Erasmus+ Coordinator

Students (staff):

Thomas Pennisi
Giada Maspero

Incoming Erasmus Students

Deadline for incoming students: 30th June


  1. Erasmus Application Form with photo
  2. Learning agreement in draft
  3. Curriculum vitae
  4. A recording is required for performers (cd/dvd or link, min. 10 minutes); Composers are requested to send min. 2 scores

Download application form

Note: we kindly request you to send your application by e-mail (with links to perfomance recording)


The Conservatorio di Musica “G. Verdi” adopts the following organization of the academic year (only for incoming students):
First Semester: last week of October – second week of February
Second Semester: last week of February – last week of June


All information about the Conservatorio, the staff, the lessons and the courses are listed in the website.
Study plans for Master Degree are listed here
Study plans for Bachelor Degree are listed here


All lessons and courses are given in Italian.
Although most of our teachers speak English or other languages, you must have at least a basic knowledge of the Italian language.
We offer a free A2 Italian Language Course during 1st term; a free B1 Italian Language Course and a free B1/B2 English Language Course during 2nd term.


The Conservatorio di Musica “G. Verdi” will guide mobile participants in finding accommodation, according to the requirements of the Erasmus Charter for Higher Education. For preliminary information please, contact our staff.


Conservatorio di Musica “G. Verdi”
Via Cadorna, 4
I-22100 Como



Incoming Teachers and Staff

Projects concerning STA and STT incoming must be sent to the Coordinator for International Relations: it is required a CV and the Teaching or Training Program.

For further information and applications please write an e-mail to prof. Alessandro Lamantea, Head of our International Office.



Si rende noto agli interessati che, a seguito degli eventi Brexit, la mobilità verso il Regno Unito rimarrà effettuabile per la durata del progetto Call Erasmus 2020, come da comunicazione Indire del 7 febbraio. La misura della partecipazione del Regno Unito alla futura programmazione sarà oggetto di negoziati con l’Unione Europea nei prossimi mesi.


Mobility project for higher education students and staff

This mobility project can comprise one or more of the following activities:

1) Student mobility:

  • a study period abroad at a partner higher education institution (HEI);
  • a traineeship (work placement) abroad in an enterprise or any other relevant workplace.

A study period abroad may include a traineeship period as well. To ensure high-quality mobility activities with maximum impact on the students, the mobility activity has to respond to student degree-related learning and personal development needs.
The study period abroad must be part of the student’s study programme to complete a degree at a short cycle, first cycle (Bachelor or equivalent), second cycle (Master or equivalent) and third or doctoral cycle. Traineeships abroad at a workplace are also supported during short cycle, first, second, third cycle studies and within a maximum of one year after the student’s graduation. This also includes the ‘assistantships’ for student teachers. Wherever possible, the traineeships should be an integrated part of the student’s study programme. Student mobility can be in any subject area/academic discipline.

2) Staff mobility:

teaching periods: this activity allows HEI teaching staff or staff from enterprises to teach at a partner HEI abroad. Staff mobility for teaching can be in any subject area/academic discipline.

training periods: this activity supports the professional development of HEI teaching and non-teaching staff in the form of training events abroad (excluding conferences) and job shadowing/observation periods/training at a partner HEI, or at another relevant organisation abroad.

For further information please see in the Erasmus+ Guide

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